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Injection mold processing causes of color difference

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
Injection mold processing technology in plastic products manufacturing industry has become more popular nowadays, after decades of development, a complete set of technology has been mature, but a lot of plastic injection mold factory will often appear in the injection molding processing problems lead to the final production of the product is unqualified, so generally what factors affect the produce off color?

injection processing product color difference problem

(1) raw material factors:

including toner, plastic material brand changes, tackifier replacement.

(2) raw material variety:

injection processing factory in changshu, points out that as PP material with ABS or PC material request the same color, but due to the material variety and there was a slight color difference, but there is a limit.

3. Equipment technology reason:

in the process of injection molding processing temperature, pressure, and melt time can cause off color problem, the other as different batch mixing materials, different technological parameters such as the machine bei also affect.

(4) environmental factors: changshu injection mold manufacturer through many years of experience, general cylinder outstanding clean, drying hopper dust, mold such as oil pollution will cause.

5. Toner itself factor: some of the toner is not affected by temperature, and the very vulnerable to changes in temperature and change of the products.
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