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Injection mold processing spots in reason to enhance the design requirements

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
To guarantee to the customer of the injection molding processing parts is good, and the solution to the problem is a more important place, USES the special guide plate, put in desktop lamps under test, so it can generally appear black spots problem of injection molding processing parts detected, unapt appear to the customer's hands.

the second is to analyze source of black spot problem, the problem solving, Shanghai KuiXing through long-term experience, summed up the, should put attention on the following several aspects to see well, material, material temperature, screw type, presence of Angle, bad border, switch machine and so on six aspects.

here is a black dot: the main points of the problem analysis.

1, warehouse material after failing to dust, bag dust much above lead to materials.

2, in the process of charging, charging bag without clean, lead to bag the dust and impurities in the material.

3, when feeding part color bag pin not to tear the paper clean, cause the material into the bin will be poured into bin.

4, injection mold oven used for a long time did not clear or dark in light fittings cleaning not clean materials.

5, raw materials, pigment and after that, the lid is good, not the workshop when doing health, using airway clear, lead to impurities get material.

6, the injection mould for a long time not to maintain, guide pillar and slide block friction for a long time, cause iron pin in production with black spots.

7, the injection mold minister time is not clear, the falling dust, shock machine when combining a model, cause the dust into the injection mold.

8, raw materials, pigment material also have very little black spots ( Incoming normal) 。

9, packing in the course of carriage, forklift will bag fork rupture, easy to pollution of impurities in it.

10 refueling process, dark in light gun barrel was not clean, lead to easy to produce the black lines.

11 abnormal because of production, the material released from the oven, the use of packing is not clean.

12 materials in workshop, because of channel congestion, and behind the machine oil and water is serious, employees can tread from the bag when driving in the past, cause the bag on the injection molding processing surface impurities, smeary more.

13 higher part of the machine tool product requirements ( Seal is bad) , next to a machine tool use deep color of crushing material, the material in the smoking or drying material, easy to cause the dust falling into the dark material.

14 injection processing workshop use tracheal cleaning machine, easy to cause the oven in the drying material, the machine above impurities from the air inlet into the oven drying machine material.

thermoplastics reinforced plastic to the mold design requirements.

1. Plastic parts shape and wall thickness design special consideration should be given to material flow, the filling cavity, avoid sharp corners, gaps.

2. Pouring system section should be big, process straight, short, for the fiber dispersed homogeneously.

3. Plastic mold core, cavity should have enough rigidity and strength.

4. Plastic mold should be hardened, polishing, choose wear-resisting steel grade, easy to wear and tear parts should be easy to change.

5. Uniform launch should be strong, easy to change.

6. Mould should be equipped with exhaust gas discharge chute, and appropriate easy happening in weld mark parts.
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