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Injection molding factory need to control injection molding temperature?

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
Experienced workers know, want to injection molding processing products are qualified, then must control the temperature well, because the whole production process is complicated, so, every link in the injection molding processing need to control the temperature of the also is not the same. Temperature control, the first material is drum, because of different raw materials want to be liquid to the melt temperature is not the same. So in the injection molding processing each batch production according to the use of raw materials to control the temperature of the material barrel.

when plastic injection molding processing of raw materials coming out of the barrel, after going through pipeline and spray the liquid transport into production mould, pipeline and also the need to control the temperature of the nozzle, generally control the temperature of the temperature slightly lower than the raw material the pail, because raw material barrel inside environment is relatively closed, if the temperature is too high will vaporize, in order to prevent the occurrence of the phenomenon in the plastic injection molding processing, temperature is a little bit low, also sample also helps the cooling products.

but temperature is not too low, otherwise it will become a solid and liquid pipeline, in the process of injection molding processing need to be aware of is the temperature of the mold, although the product into the mold is for cooling, but must not be too low, the temperature of inside surface to make products natural cooling, otherwise the product could be appear some scratches or some bad phenomenon, also affect the quality.
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