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Injection molding machine cooling system

by:CSSSLD     2021-02-03
Wen injection tooling/VIP
in the process of the injection molding processing, in addition to the traditional host such as extrusion machine, injection machine and other equipment, cold water machine the application and development has become an important part of plastic processing market. Plastic products in the injection molding process, whether cooling (in a timely and effective manner Cool) , will directly affect the product's appearance bright and clean degree and quality of the shape affect the production efficiency, thereby affecting the cost of production and corporate profits.

are precision injection molding control equipment, especially the hydraulic cold water cooling system of high performance heat exchanger tube aperture, slow velocity, material corrosion resistance is poor, so there are strict requirements for cooling water, no water can be used as cooling water injection molding machine, especially when the water contains too much mineral, after running for a long time due to the evaporation temperature and cause the change of solubility, these minerals will adhere to the pipe wall to form scale, reduce the cooling effect and cause pipeline corrosion.

plastic molding cycle, a considerable part of the used for cooling and sometimes can be accounted for more than 80% of the plastic molding cycle, therefore will control to a minimum cooling time is absolutely necessary. Injection molding machine cooling water system, cooling water injection molding machine two road, all the way is mold cooling, oil cooling is all the way, the water works three reduction to common denomiator two road, the oil cooler with a valve, adjust the water inflow, water can be separately or together together, the pipe as far as possible big some, good drainage.

in the injection molding machine, cold water machine for precision injection molding industry, has played a very important role, not only can make the mould temperature to obtain the very good cooling effect, and the process of the machine is running, the lubricating oil heat can also be for cooling, security during the injection molding processing technology, improvement of the quality of product. Then the blister, extrusion, bottle blowing and other industries to form a complete set of auxiliary production.

cold water injection molding machine main role in shaping mould of plastic processing machinery, the frozen water injection mould of internal flow channel, through the heat transfer of mould cooling constant temperature, keep temperature in a constant state, to meet the needs of the production process. During the process, the mould is the equivalent of a heat exchanger, the application of cold water injection molding machine, greatly improving the plastic products surface finish, reducing the surface of the plastic lines mark and internal stress, and make the product easy demoulding and not deformation, not shrink, thus greatly improving the production efficiency.

cold water machine working principle of
1, cold water machine working principle is to inject a certain amount of water to the pattern in cold water tank, through the mechanism of cold water cooling system of the cooling tank cooling water cooling.
2, again by circular frozen water pump be incorporated into cold water to cool the equipment cooling system, mold, or other circulating chilled water will be cold water machine equipment do not need to heat circulating water temperature by circulating water pump circulation again after it was taken back into the tank, cold water machine through the evaporator for absorption of heat will be circulating water cooling system further cooling.
3, so the cycle can make our equipment or pool water temperature reached we want to be an ideal temperature.

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