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Injection molding machine production safety guidelines

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
1. Normal production, injection molding machine semi-automatic only opened the front door, remove the product and material rod and close the door before three movements, if you need to do additional action, go through the technician to confirm whether it is normal production must be action, can only be my homework.

2. In addition to the above description of the action, any action must be carried out under the condition of the manual and shut down after the oil pump. For involving electrical, need to shut off the power, such as work may come into contact with the nozzle and the plastic tube and collectors die before or adjust any mechanical parts, all need to pay attention to shut off the power, to ensure safety.

3. Automatic alarm occurs in the equipment, workers need to withdraw from the range of equipment, switch to 'manual' mode.

4. If the abnormal noise such as personal accident, equipment, mold, such as emergency, need to immediately press the stop button, and look for others to help.

5. Machine in the process of operation, especially pay attention to avoid any parts of the body into the closed door, and put your hands into the mold before you open the door. If the routine inspection or repair of equipment, the need to upper body among two templates, need to close the oil pump; In any case, the whole body into two template needs to be cut off power supply.
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