CSSSLD plastic product factory specialized in plastic injection, a professional plastic extrusion manufacturer and plastic injection factory since 1997.

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Injection molding need to pass what stage

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
Plastic mold eventually applied in the production of plastic products, is more common injection molding, its technological process are: mold, injection molding, pressure maintaining ( Plastic) , cooling finalize the design, open mold, ejection, clamping. There is a cycle in the process of injection process, complete the injection process to mold, injection and cooling to finalize the design stages. Every stage of the mold maker will elaborate on the specific process.
is the preliminary stage of plastic in the first place. Spiral begins to spin, then put the plastic from the hopper to the spiral front-end, at high temperatures and under the action of shear force and plastic in spiral front was uniform plasticizing, and gradually gathered in spiral front end, with the accumulation of the molten plastic pressure is more and more big, finally overcome the spiral backend back pressure, the screw backward step by step, when the plastic screw front reaches the required injection quantity, stop back and turn the end of the plastic stage.
followed by injection molding stage. Under the function of injection oil cylinder and the screw to move forward, the plastic to more sections of a store in front of the cylinder speed and pressure to move forward, through the runner and gate into a closed cavity.
definition phase three is cool. Plastic inside the cavity pressure, to prevent the reverse plastic until plastic solidification, the pressure inside the cavity. Cooling finalize the time proportion within a production cycle is the largest.
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