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Injection molding processing contains technical and process is what

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
Injection molding processing contains technical and process is what? Basically has the following 10 aspects and look at our answers one by one for you!

injection processing

1. The residual stress of workpiece, the injection molding process can reduce internal stress, and immediately eliminated by annealing heat treatment after forming crack formation;

2, injection molding processing pressure is too big, too fast, the more filling, injection molding, heat preservation time is too long, too much can cause internal stress and crack;

3. To prevent degradation caused by injection molding process degradation caused by weld cracking;

4. Adjust the molding speed and pressure, prevent the workpiece drawing stripping cracking;

5. Appropriate use of release agent, attention often eliminate of attached and other material on the surface of mould;

6. Without lubrication or lubrication but the effect not beautiful;

7. The injection pressure is too low or the injection speed is too fast;

8. Injection molding processing in production, it is due to the uneven cooling in the cavity, plastic shrinkage uneven, product structural design is unreasonable, easy to cause various defects of the products;

9. Injection molding process should raise the mold temperature, make parts easy demoulding, decrease the temperature of the material, prevent decomposition;

10. Plasticizing bad, that is, the melt can't completely uniform melting.
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