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Injection molding processing industry development

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
Development and innovation is the development of injection molding processing industry integrity, long-term, fundamental of discretion. Not only plant trees, regardless of the cultivation, you want to do at the moment, regardless of the future, only small, regardless of the fundamental, not only move experience, move knowledge, moving instructions without discretion, or it will bring injection molding processing industry to the narrow road, camp road, detours and dead ends.

don't light slightly to weight. Improve the injection molding processing industry depends on all kinds of art, such as technology, business operation, management, public relations; Also want to rely on a variety of slightly, such as technology development strategy, talent development strategy, marketing strategy, financing strategy. Is slightly small, slightly is big, and slightly similarities is exquisite design, have size difference is the scope of planning, the planning time length. Light slightly to weight is heavy and small light with short, heavy, light, heavy technology is biased. Here,. Bigger is the development and innovation, development and innovation is just injection molding processing industry development strategy.

for the realization of the injection molding processing industry development and innovation, will highlight to analysis the demand of the market and trends, to analyze the challenges and opportunities, to analyze its advantages and disadvantages, to analysis the key links and steps. Why to analyze the basic situation, for the past many analysis have been out of date, or the time of the analysis itself has defects and errors.

implementation injection molding processing industry development and innovation, will develop new content, new management means, new personnel framework, management system, business strategy, etc. Strategy pattern. In terms of nature, enacted by each enterprise development strategy should be consistent; In terms of content, focus, structure, the development strategy of different enterprises have little in common. The recent plastic net in China visited several following enterprise after Singapore, feeling a lot, they have distance with us, already from the original simple plastic processing, to product design and development to the group made a dragon production operation mode, they are all in the direction of OEM and ODM.

China plastic processing industry to develop in the direction of the OEM and ODM. Is the only way.
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