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Kindergarten suspended floor use matters needing attention

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
Kindergarten assembled after floor shop is, how to properly use assemble the floor? Although said assembly floor price is not expensive, and but we is still needs to do daily maintenance during use, this can reduce capital to repair. Just below and let's talk about the floor in the process of using assembled notice:
a, kindergarten when handling items, especially at the bottom of the metal sharp objects, do not delay on the assembly floor, to prevent the floor injured.
2, the kindergarten should be used to assemble the floor of the room door, hall doorway placed a piece of sandstone protective MATS, prevent shoes will sand into appearance scratch the floor.
3, although the kindergarten dedicated floor is the floor of the fire rating of embarrassing fuel level, do not represent the floor won't be fireworks burn, so the use of assembly of the floor, don't leave burning cigarette butts, mosquito-repellent incense, electric irons, high temperature metal objects directly on the floor above, in case of a floor damage.

4, kindergarten to assemble the floor is clean, use a neutral detergent when cleaning process cannot use strong acid or alkali cleaner to clean the floor, make punctual cleaning maintenance work.
5, daily maintenance: use ninety percent of the clean dry mop to clean the floor, part of the to the serious pollution clean;
6, monthly maintenance: the ground clean, sweep the floor above the waste in a timely manner.
7, assembling, food, greasy stain on the floor of ink and so on should be immediately wiped, and then use diluted detergent wipe traces, the remaining black shoes can be used when printing is difficult to eradicate the veil with rosin water wipe, do not use rosin water on the floor clean, wipe to fill wax after maintenance.
8, kindergarten suspension can't use the floor is clean clean ball, the knife scratches, can't use practice method to clean the dirt, do not use acetone, toluene and other chemicals.
9, prevent water trapped on the floor for a long time many appearance, in case of snow on climate, freezing, there should be timely removal of ice.
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