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Knowledge of plastic mold processing

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
Plastic mould processing is just molding mould for more sophisticated processing is completed, it is also a mold production of an important operation, the plastic products in people's lives is very much, this is under the action of plastic mold and produce, so the processing link is very important, this determines the quality of the products. Below small make up led everybody know about the related knowledge of plastic mold processing, hope I can help you learn more about plastic mould. Machining process is included cutting, open box, and open the specific operation, such as coarse every process is the content of the mould processing, and is ultimately better complete the die. Plastic mould processing is to mould processing more delicate, it is of great help to the production, so people want to know this part is very important. For mould processing is also in order to guarantee the quality of mold, processing after mold mold production efficiency is more than raw, so choose mould processing also is very good, in the present, mold processing plant is also a lot of, can see the processing production is necessary, at the time of plastic mould processing also need to pay attention to the related matters, to better complete the processing.

is there any requirement on the performance of the plastic mold for steel?

plastic mould manufacturing cost is high, small cost of the mould material cost, so choose steel, priority should be to choose
by process performance is good, stable performance and long service life of steel, plastic mold factory in changshu specific performance requirements for plastic mould for steel put forward the following requirements: 1, mechanical processing, excellent performance of plastic mould cavity geometry is very complex, and requires the deep hole processing, such as deep groove difficult machining parts, must have the performance of the free-cutting steel when choosing steel, if the other conditions can be met, is is finally selected on the basis of the conditions. 2, good surface corrosion process: a lot of mold for molding plastic parts surface for a variety of other substances, such as leather, silk, cloth, fine pattern, etc, which requires the steel with a fine, even texture or corrosion after the effect not beautiful. 3, good abrasion resistance and toughness, plastic mold is heat under alternating load over a long period of time, and it is subjected to friction over a long period of time, such as rubbing is only considered one side, without considering the phase of heated side of alternating load, use cold die of high carbon high alloy steel manufacturing, inevitable lack of toughness and cause cracking. 4, quenching performance is good, small deformation, plastic mold cavity parts heat treatment must be applied to for the most part, this requires that the steel has good hardenability and small deformation, general thermoplastic plastic molding mold, the tempering, hardening, etc to deal with, and thermosetting plastic molding mold must be hardened. 5, excellent polishing performance: no matter what kind of plastic mold, the mold cavity surface roughness without the permission of the tiny, almost all requirements can do bright luster, and to achieve bright luster, steel must have a good hardness, in the first steel sundry to as little as possible, and not have bubbles, and uniform microstructure, used in mass production mold, the surface roughness is also the important condition.
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