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Modified plastic additives

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
plastic injection tooling modification is said to add add small molecules in polymer inorganic or organic material, through physical or chemical effect, in order to obtain some expected performance of a modified method. Add modification of plastics is one of the earliest development modification methods, modification effect is obvious, it is simple process, low cost, and therefore, they are widely used make up about a third of the plastic modified 2 above. Nantong on plastic products factory, injection molding processing, precision injection molding processing and other professional services.

almost all plastic modification can be used to add modification method. But add modification is that: 1. To improve some performance, often at the expense of some other performance; 2. Due to add modification to add small molecules within the macromolecular, both performance far, because of poor compatibility, limiting its content.

plastic additives modification according to the features of the additives can be divided into organic and inorganic add modification to add modified two kinds. Said inorganic modification is to add a class of inorganic additives in plastic modification, commonly used inorganic additives mainly include: filling agent, strengthening agent, flame retardant, stain and nucleating agent, etc. Organic modification is said to add a class of organic additive is added in the plastic modification, commonly used organic additives are: organic tin stabilizer, antioxidant, plasticizer, and organic flame retardant, etc.

add modification of plastics by adding modified into the purpose of reduce cost, increase the strength, toughness, improve the flame retardancy, improve life, machinability and wear resistance, improve the crystalline structure, improve the antistatic and electrical conductivity.

physical mechanism. This mechanism is made by additive alone to work, so as to achieve modification purpose. Modified additives in plastic additives mostly by this mechanism play a role.

chemical mechanism. This mechanism is additive can't work alone, must produce a chemical reaction with resin can play a role of modification, to achieve the effect of modification.

scattered irregular structure. This is one of the most common decentralized structure. In this kind of decentralized structure, additive randomly dispersed in the resin, has been described as an island structure. The dispersion of additives dispersed form is mainly for powder, granular, globular and short fiber etc. In this kind of morphology of dispersed resin phase as the continuous phase, and additives for discontinuous phase. The distributed structure has the advantages of modified uniform especially for reinforced impact modification, foam, etc.

the layered distributed structure. The dispersed structure of additives to laminar dispersed in the resin, resin and additives for the continuous phase. Layered distributed structure add product excellent modification effect in some ways.

fibrous decentralized structure. The dispersed structure of additives to fibrous dispersed in the resin, resin and additives for the continuous phase and the resin to continuously for three, and additive as one-way continuous. Fibrous dispersed form to improve enhance the effect of the modification.

mesh decentralized structure. The decentralized structure refers to the additives to crisscross mesh dispersed in the resin, resin and lick the penis to continuous structure for three. This has advantages of uniform dispersion of dispersed structure.
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