CSSSLD plastic product factory specialized in plastic injection, a professional plastic extrusion manufacturer and plastic injection factory since 1997.

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Smooth da plastic products factory in the mould manufacturing is analysed the importance of using standard parts

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
In recent years, with the plastic injection mold manufacturer companies involved in foreign capital, poor die standard parts of poor quality and enterprise benefit although the situation has improved, but still not change at all. Production compared with the need, there are large gaps. Mold enterprise excessive value cost benefit, and ignore the quality. Thus hurting many enterprises, making the mould standard parts overall decline in margins. The scope of the standard is very big also, now is the most famous domestic dragon. But die standard parts market must be further subdivided, certainly will be born in the process refinement of market leading enterprises, standard parts market is emerging in China, the wide prospect of market. But at present our country mould standardization degree is very low, the relative of Germany and Japan and other mould manufacturing powerhouse. Domestic standard specifications, production scale is small, less circulation is not smooth, manufacturer, small quantity, distribution is very scattered, weak industry competitiveness. Although mold standard parts in China over the past few years has developed quickly, but the industry has not formed unified standard. At the same time die standard parts market competition caused many adverse consequences. Die mold standardization development is the global industry development is also our one of the main direction of precision plastic mold factory, because we always believe that through the standardization of plastic mold development can be achieved die mold manufacturers to reduce production cycle and reduce production costs, damage to the mould parts, easy replacement and other advantages.
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