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Some common methods of loading and unloading of the hollow board turnover box

by:CSSSLD     2021-02-03
In the transport of goods process often use weeks hollow board turnover box, to the products in a series of loading, transport, unloading and delivery of the goods. In the process, try to avoid damage to the goods, has its is in the process of loading and unloading, carrying the goods is easy to damage to the goods, so we will use the correct method of loading and unloading of goods, as far as possible to reduce or even avoid meeting damage. Chongda small make up today to introduce several methods of loading and unloading of the hollow board turnover box. Tied for handling method about

this method is suitable for loading and unloading of broadband empty containers in the narrow, to facilitate fork take two turnover box at the same time, the forklift usually has four fork teeth. Using this approach, as long as the two turnover box neatly tied for notice in advance, after the operation is convenient. Tied for loading and unloading method before and after the

this method is suitable for large fork fork take small hollow board turnover box, is to put the two empty containers in forklift truck with a fork. But this approach is flawed: forward forklift truck load center, so the forklift truck load capacity is not reflected, but also used for right Angle stacking channels must be widened.
upper and overlapping handling method
this is a more general way, the goods will be lighter lego, turnover box code into two layers on the ground, from lifting the turnover box below. The downside of this approach is a pallet of goods is not stable, so do not apply to the handling operation, can be dedicated to pallet.
that is hollow board turnover box some common methods of the loading and unloading, use the appropriate handling method can reduce the wear of hollow board turnover box, effectively protect the goods complete.
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