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Structure design and decoration design

by:CSSSLD     2021-02-03
As far as possible use will not cause pollution to the environment decoration process, plating and finishing this category have for environmental pollution decoration process, to restrict the use of as much as possible. Printing, decoration and coloring this kind of decoration process of injection molding products processing, with its waste recycling processed into finished products, applications will be limited, thereby reducing use value. So as much as possible to simplify the surface decoration, advocate moderate and simple.

recycled materials can be designed in sandwich material core layer, and using new material in the surface layer of products, it is helpful to realize the recycling of resources, and reduce the production cost. Thermosetting plastics recycling not easily, usually when the design should consider this. While the polyolefin is the ideal material for recycling. Recycled plastics recycling has a variety of ways, except to molten regeneration can produce pyrolysis oil, gas, fuel and recycling monomer. For example generated coke bottle PET will be considered to recycling monomer polymerization into a new PET resin.

as a result of the need of function, the inevitable in a product with different materials, the product design to consider the different components can be split, easy recycling in the classification of different materials processing. For the same reason, the plastic products use less as far as possible need not or difficult to split in the metal insert. Consolidation and integration of the parts design is helpful to simplify the process, improve the efficiency, save energy and reduce consumption. From the view point of saving resource, design can be filling and packaging with larger capacity of the container is a reasonable choice.

the performance is good, can prolong the service life of materials. High-performance materials, such as engineering plastics, than common plastic generally have more life, so use of high-performance materials in the packaging materials, can improve the repeat usage. Such as disposable HDPE milk box of coated paper, blow to switch to PC engineering plastic make packaging container, reusable 100 times. Less energy consumption of materials, can improve the utilization rate of energy and resources.

with gas as filler polystyrene foam plastic, the volume of 90% 98% for air, not only save the raw materials, and in the process of using in saving energy and reducing consumption of resources has a unique effect. Such as housing structure insulation materials can make the heating required 25% less fuel. In the use of materials, some countries have established some mandatory laws and regulations, Japan put forward a similar regulations.

in appropriate cases, increasing the use of starch biodegradable materials series, represented by the polylactic acid and PHA full biodegradable materials, and make full use of the rich natural resources of plant fiber composites and the industrial waste residue, mineral composite materials for packing, can reduce oil as the basic raw material for synthetic plastic relying too much on. Waste plastic recycling, than with a new material production, processing into injection molding products processing, can save 85% of the energy needed for resin synthesis - 90% - 6% of the energy saving forming 17%, so should make full use of in low-end products meet the requirements of the quality of recycled materials.

the modelling of scientific and reasonable structure can make the product design to meet all their just and material as the purpose of its use. On the premise of meet the functional requirements, the product of the miniaturization, lightweight, thin wall can reduce the consumption of resources and energy. Design products more convenient maintenance, and aware of parts can be replaced, this is helpful to extend the service life of the product. As far as possible to reduce the component materials in the variety and categories, avoid to use a variety of different materials, this is mainly to facilitate later recycling does not increase the difficulty of the processing and processing cost.

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