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Student desks and chairs are what material?

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
The types of student desks and chairs on the market full of beautiful things in eyes, have single, double, adjustable, multi-function, no matter how many kinds of desks and chairs, desks and chairs in the material are very important. Whether want to which style of desks and chairs, must choose material safety, environmental protection. Today small make up to you to talk about the material of common student desks and chairs. Common student material mainly has the following kinds:
. A is the bamboo and wood. Bamboo pupil dedicated desks and chairs is to select and wood materials, the elementary student special desks and chairs is actually a more delicate way, because it takes steam drying, sterilization, etc all kinds of craft, so its relative requirements will be higher, it can bring people a feeling of place oneself in nature, but the price will be more expensive primary school desks and chairs.

the second is the plastic material. Without excitant odour, the surface easy to scrub, long service life. The desks and chairs design style is contracted and generous of plastic material, and according to the principle of human body engineering design, can effectively alleviate the pressure of the students bring sedentary human. General plastic material height of desks and chairs are adjustable, can be set according to the height of each user using height, can help students effectively prevent the formation of myopia, strength problem such as strabismus. At the same time also can correct students' poor posture.
the student is the student body development of high-speed period, during the period of building is the important tool of students' daily learning, students spend most of their time stay with desks and chairs, desks and chairs when the choose and buy must therefore carefully selected.
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