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Student desks and chairs should be how to maintain?

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
The desks and chairs of the appropriate to students and teachers to create a comfortable environment in which to learn, even can prolong the service life of desks and chairs, avoid waste, reduce the spending of the school. Small make up today and you talk about student desks and chairs should be how to maintain.
first of all, the swivel generally used in teaching, the student is the main part of the use, school students should be told to take good care of public property, take good care of their desks and chairs, prohibit graffito of the scribble on the desks and chairs, even with a sharp instrument, cause. Scars. Desks and chairs must pay attention to the light to take light put, banning violence, throw breaking. In addition, to stop the desk culture, poetry, painting, etc on desks and chairs are not desirable. So want to grab from the whole quality of the students and school education.

second, maintenance of the following are some ways for students desks and chairs itself and need to pay attention to:
1. School desks and chairs should be on the air circulation, dry place, keep away from fire or damp walls, avoid sun exposure.
2。 Dust on the desks and chairs, MAO shan, as far as possible do not wash with water, if necessary, can use wet soft cloth graze, do not use alkaline solution, washing powder, soap water scrubbing, lest affect the paint brightness or cause paint falls off.
3。 Move the desks and chairs to lift off the ground, don't push hard hard pull, to avoid gross loose or damaged.
4。 Often steel desks and chairs to avoid contact with water to prevent rust inside.
5。 Don't put acid on the desks and chairs, alkali corrosion.
6。 Should be conducted on a regular basis desks and chairs for a comprehensive maintenance, control of time in two months at a time.
that's small make up to summarize student desks and chairs in the maintenance method. Desks and chairs are students learning every day. Important learning tool, teachers and students together to do a good job of maintenance of the desks and chairs, not only can provide a good learning environment for students, also can cultivate the students' sense of responsibility. Chongda plastic hope with you hand in hand together for the cause of education equipment efforts!
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