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Suspended floor and floor tile which to use?

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
1, from abrasion resistance for
this point, the ceramic tile must be better than the floor, and the assumption is that fell to the ground may be sharp things slip, general won't have any trace on the ceramic tile, floor, would leave a difficult to eliminate the mark, whether the wooden characteristics and the characteristics of ceramic tile is different.

2, walking, the foot feels
this point of view, wood floor to must be good in floor tile, chose is same material characteristics, floor tile is too hard, and wooden floor is soft, walk to the appropriate lamp. Special have kids at home, the floor in the side is not two. While floor tile relatively more hard.
3, skid resistance on the ground,
the same home with children, this is especially to be careful. Although such as floor tile abrasion resistance is better on the floor, but the coefficient of friction is light rain floor, assuming that have some water, fall in the very short, no matter the child is aged, even adults have to be careful. As we actual situation according to their own home.

4, price is the price in not necessarily, what things are different, but here, a little people may feel the floor price is high, in fact, floor tile price plus the construction cost, and the equipment and general floor floor price is transparent a brief calculated, so what on earth is high, you can see, should be the same, even sometimes I can buy the cheaper the floor?
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