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Suspended floor clean decontamination tips

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
Suspension assembly floor also called combined movement floor, is the fourth generation of sports sports venues of the floor surface materials, products for the block. Floating floor use sophisticated high strength pp environmental protection material, useful dealing with floor heat bilges cold shrink together also has the safe surface resistance. Anti-uv additives are added to each block in the floor, to ensure that the floor is not fade in the sun shines.
the suspension structure design and came to enhanced support foot structure, create remarkable vertical damping effect. Non-slip surface can be useful to avoid sports injury, the ball rebound function and velocity to ensure that the floor of wicked movement function. The decontamination of
suspended floor tip:
1, the entrance at the gate of the rotating floor MATS and dispel sole grains of sand, can reduce the damage to the suspension assembly movement floor;
2, use neutral detergent with half dry mop clean surface pollution, Dripping glue or remove 95% alcohol) such as ;
3, should sweep the floor every day, with a slightly damp mop clean suspension assembly movement floor surface;
4, should avoid strong light shone directly, avoid ultraviolet light to shine, to avoid the suspension movement floor discoloration, fade.

suspension assembly movement floor decontamination is a good time in front of the stain was not dry, use cloth wipe, and then clean the floor with water. Pollution has close contact with besmirch composition, color, also related to the temperature. General principles are:
a, scrape it with a spoon mixture stains away, keep in mind, not with a sharp edge tool, avoid scratch suspension assembly movement floor surface.
b, first with cloth stains blot, for the following months that homework, avoid stains laches.
c, clean the order of the suspension assembly movement floor stains from outside to inside, with sponge rinse water, do not use hot water.
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