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Suspension assembly floor on far mobilization and child good?

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
Suspension assembly floor on far mobilization and child good? At an early age, most of the sports venues are concrete, assume that falls very brief struggling to bleed, some places are land, movement in such places often body is grey, and the land becomes muddy after a rain shower, cannot use. However, the emergence of the floating floor solves the above problem.

suspended floor handling the important problem in sports ground data using & ndash; — Vertical buffer, it is full of strong point in accordance with the rules must be distributed evenly in the whole floor, product single point injection forming at a time, in addition to the movement of surface layer, professional security layer structure makes the floor structure more reasonable and more scientific, will be part of the huge impact moment is passed on to the full of strong point, constitutes the elasticity matrix of steep shock, knee, ankle, back of sports population and cervical vertebra joint constitutes the protection. Delayed muscle fatigue sex age, cut happened because of abrupt stop, start, and turns back around the surface reaction of the hazards.
suspension type floor lock connection by the clear space planning, between each floor after severe module control, ensure the space, under the premise that supply traction, quick succession and freely, eliminates the sports practice is arising from the level of healthy and vigorous impact, vigorous exercise special around the surface of the buffer planning allow rapid side to side movement, reduce the impact of lower limb joints, ensure the professional sports.
planning is put through the full mesh, make water and sand dust would be able to leak to the floor below the surface, after strong point between the space and to place out in the sink. In the light rain weather, do not need to have sports. Even if the heavy rain weather, the planning of assembly floor height can also ensure that the rain will soon be empty. This planning make suspended floor can be widely used in indoor and outdoor Spaces, making physical activity is not affected by any climate, about punctuality asked for many sports, leisure and practice of campus physical education activities has special practical significance.
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