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Suspension assembly floor why suitable for outdoor use?

by:CSSSLD     2021-02-03
Why do suspension assembly movement floor suitable for outdoor use? In cold winter, especially in north China in winter, game is very simple floor cracking phenomenon, generally assume that rain and snow weather, also will decline skid resistance. More popular in recent years to assemble the floor will overcome these difficulties, and assemble the variety of the floor color for the winter increased the beautiful scenery line.

assembled hollow shape is the surface of the floor, and traditional materials are not hollow out of the ground, with rain and snow weather will become slippery, cannot use normally. Assemble the advantage of the hollow out the floor surface is the rain will go straight out to the cracks in the floor, rain and snow can be back to normal use. Heavy snow night, to timely tidy up clean snow, otherwise it will affect the floor life spans. Assemble the floor is the first material of polypropylene, in the process of production will attend must proportion of ultraviolet absorbent, antioxidant and other additives, so even in outdoor use, will not affect the use of the full assembly floor.
outdoor sports venues often by sunlight exposure, some environmental -companies materials will be declared under the condition of the high temperature toxic substances. Assemble the floor is polypropylene materials, environmental protection. , there won't be in all under the condition of high temperature toxic substances declaration. So from the practicality is environmental protection into consideration, assemble the floor is suitable for use in outdoor sports places.
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