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Suspension assembly movement floor installation?

by:CSSSLD     2021-02-03
One, location
1, the preparation basis: on the basis of the basic solid, smooth. Fault is not in range of 3 m straight edge over 5 mm.
2, equipment before you clean the floor cleaning.
3, equipment, please press the place good line width of positioning the equipment of the floor bearing ( Elastic line suggestion with talcum powder, try not to use ink) 。
2, mig suspended floor equipment
in place on the upper left corner for equipment starting point, from left to right in turn, will be the floor button pin and alignment, with a rubber hammer percussion fixed button. Three,

trunk of unitized equipment floor method to place the top left corner for equipment starting point, large box floor will equipment time shortened 2/3 of the floor, from left to right in turn, will be the floor button pin and alignment, with a rubber hammer percussion fixed button, floor of edge devices method and mig suspension assembly floor in the same way, but must pay attention to the assembly floor heat bilges cold shrink coefficient for 2 & permil; - 3‰ , need to set aside will be places around so heat bilges cold shrink the elastic zone ( About five ㎝ wide) , according to the site area is equipped with, while article 5 ㎝ 25 cm long and wide a beautiful fixed effect.

4, site marking.
place line using polypropylene surface paint, don't fall off. Circular area of wicked part, choose the same color of the surface paint, paint and the main body of the same color.

5, color of dumb light of floor surface after treatment, and the lamp brightness, do not absorb light and reflective dazzling, can better protect your eyes, not tired.
6, about the backboard
basketball stand area is reserved, basketball stand is on the ground, does not affect the assembly shop floor. Seven, ground potholes

there are 676 useful each assembly at the bottom of the floor, on the one hand, has played a very good shock absorption, cushioning effect, on the other hand also make sports strength even slack in all directions. So the occasional small pit on assumption that place, no matter what the little pit in azimuth, will not affect the assembly floor balanced force.
if it is concave and convex less obvious side drum, assemble the floor will follow a slightly concave and convex, but these will not affect the assembly floor use effect. If is obvious pit, drums, is sure to deal with before construction.
8, kindergarten suspension assembly floor
the kindergarten outdoor places more special, try choosing millet word versatility suspended floor, choose soft versatility mizi grid suspended floor effect is better. May avoid to choose square rice word, the other pattern, should choose which type of pattern, don't choose type pattern, to avoid damage to the skin after child fall.
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