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Suspension assembly the difference between the floor and wooden floor

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
Suspension assembly to plate the floor of a grid, flying factory is convenient in installation, and wooden floor board also is very good, but the installation process is relatively complex, but the wooden floor is a bit is to pay attention to the function of moisture and insects, chongda plastic electronics co. , LTD. Below small make up for you to tell the difference between the two.
1, insect-resistant ability is good: the use of modified PP ( Polypropylene) For raw materials, it is environmental protection material, the material insect-resistant performance is good.
2, maintenance aspects: suspended floor is easy to do, rinse with water.
3, moisture-proof requirement: suspension assembly movement floor does not demand any moisture-proof measures; Wood floor to moistureproof requirement is high, moisture-proof technology is complex, or if not done moistureproof moisture-proof treatment was not well done, wood floor deformation when exposed to tide, lead to a etc.
  4. Environmental protection: suspension assembly movement floor colorless. , low noise, ASTMC4235 - noise reduction coefficient 10%) ; Wood floor in the process of processing additives, device in the process of adhesive, floor paint, etc. These all have different degrees of gases and vapors, hazardous volatile substances such as formaldehyde, benzene.

suspended splicing is the floor. The use of inputs, the late without input, the wooden floor is not, need to moistureproof, insect-resistant, waxing, so choose the advantage of the suspended floors you can see.
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