CSSSLD plastic product factory specialized in plastic injection, a professional plastic extrusion manufacturer and plastic injection factory since 1997.

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Well da plastic processing factory in changshu light plastic sheet production line production process flow

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
Plastic sheet production line just as its name implies is plastic as main raw materials used to produce plastic sheet production line equipment, it almost includes all plastic raw materials, such as PVC, PP, PE, PC, ABS, HIBS, etc. Plastic has the plastic polymer materials have unique advantages, such as weight, corrosion resistance, beautiful, non-toxic, tasteless, non-corrosive, anti-aging, corrosion resistance, etc. Plastic sheet production line of plastic extrusion die, sizing and cooling device shunt stents, die body, mandrel, molding mouth. Below well da plastic processing factory in changshu light plastic sheet production line production process.

general plastic sheet production line production process is as follows:

1, the plastic sheet production line warm-up: this is a boot before make the mould heating action, need plastic extrusion die preheating in heating mode.

2, clamping: schedule reasonable adjustment, combining a model to improve demoulding and plastic products into the expected effect.

3, plastic sheet production line preheating: steam into the solid move mould, the mould preheated.

4, through heating: improve the plastic sheet products core, internal welding. Through waste heat steam more serious.
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