CSSSLD plastic product factory specialized in plastic injection, a professional plastic extrusion manufacturer and plastic injection factory since 1997.

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Well da plastic products factory in changshu his plastic pipe industry how to treat the off-season

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
Plastic pipe is a new kind of plastic products, the rise in recent years is widely used with the mining industry, electric power system, coal industry, chemical industry, oil, mining, metallurgical industry, ocean engineering field. And according to the change of season and weather plastic pipe industry also has a points of the season. Below well da plastic products factory in changshu, and everyone talk about plastic pipe industry should be how to treat the off-season.

the off-season business so there is less time for training, this paragraph of time can contact more new customers, at ordinary times must have a lot of single to do when I was in the peak season, a lot of goods to send, busy as a bee, and out of season officially a really good time to develop new customers.

but should pay attention to is that you develop new users is to other people's customer, so, in turn, that will hold their positions to prevent customers be poached.

the off-season clients will cargo generally smaller, enterprise should regardless of size, are treated, completes the delivery service. Off-season way to alleviate the pressure of the performance is not to give up any one customer, normally you don't cooperate with customers at such a time it may help you through.

the off-season for plastic pipe industry, plastic pipe enterprises should find their own problems, speed up technological progress and product structure adjustment, increase the added value of products. At the same time to combine Internet way of thinking, to broaden the online channels of cooperation, only through various channels to develop new customers can better cope with the off-season.
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