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Well da plastic products factory in changshu suggest cutting PVC plastic coil should be considered at seven o 'clock

by:CSSSLD     2021-02-03
PVC plastic coil is a kind of decorative material, its measuring and tailoring should be how to operate? Basic requirements: through observing the drawings in combination with field measurements to reduce the waste to criterion considering its beautiful degree, properly arrange the layout of the welding line and spelling a flower to determine the size of the cut, make it play the greatest economic benefits. First of all need to do a good laid plans. For large areas, cutting PVC plastic coil smoothly da plastic products factory in changshu suggested seven factors should be considered:

1. In each room floor plan drawings and PVC plastic coil color number and the layout of the material. Be careful not to use different batch number of materials in the same room.

  2. Decided to coil direction are the important factors: coil in the distribution of whole room, the light and the influence of the structure of the room.

  3. Try to avoid the seam.

  4. As far as possible to ensure electricity, water and transport use.

  5. Spread on the ground will coil, in accordance with the requirements of length ( Including the reserved spare parts) For cutting the coil.

  6. The coil long side against the wall or lands end line, let the other side on the other side of the wall, with long scriber in type coil to draw on the wall, then slowly cutting material line according to the picture.

  7. To clear cut to the edge material push the floor against the wall. Another long side along the floor with a pencil on the ground vertical line drawing, and at the edge of the coil and the ground by painting a reticle. The coil around the first pencil line flat ground of the distance between two cross can be set on the long scriber. By setting a good long scriber draw a line at the top of the coil and cutting.
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