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Well da plastic products factory in changshu this plastic extrusion machine and plastic granulator is different

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
Common to use plastic extruding machine has two kinds of extrusion molding and production of particles. The extrusion molding of plastic extruder function is one of the most common type, but plastic particles are belongs to a kind of extrusion molding. Below well da plastic products factory in changshu this plastic extrusion machine and plastic granulator.

plastic extruder screw design and the design of the granulator's biggest difference is the design of the plastic screw, plastic screw length to diameter ratio, and the indicators such as screw, screw torque are according to the use of equipment and equipment in the production of the product material for specific design. Another is equipment configuration of different production technology, the configuration of the device is easy to think of, because the design of the screw is not the same as the corresponding equipment in the screw extrusion pressure needed in production will be different. Dynamic part of the same drive screw production is not the same, that is needed for equipment configuration is not the same. Granulator shapes and the shapes of plastic extrusion molding machine is basically the same, but in the production process is not the same, this also is depending on the type of product and process design is not the same. General equipment production technology of extrusion molding is particles into the plastic extruder feeding mouth by screw plasticization of particles after processing, the raw material to the head of extruder die for extrusion molding, and then cooling it can get a product of what we need. And production technology of plastic granulation is feeding mouth to feed is a powder, powder after plasticizing eagerly particles or by die extrusion into strips lengthwise by cutting machine for cutting grains after operation.
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