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What are the classification of hollow board turnover box

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
Hollow board turnover box has good heat resistance, flame retardant, cold, moisture, water resistant, shockproof, sound insulation, corrosion resistance and other characteristics, its rigidity, hardness and compression strength, dimensional stability and heat resistance and other physical and mechanical properties are sick in other plastic products. It should be widely in packaging and logistics industry, is a kind of revolving the necessary tools, so we how to classify it? Today chongda small make up to you to introduce the classification of the hollow board turnover box love:

1, from the point of appearance, can be divided into standard type, oblique inserted type style and dislocation.
2, according to the performance points covered and no lid.
to points can be divided into 3, according to the function. And don't. .
4, according to box cover points can be divided into can flip with flat cover.
5, application. Common are standard type hollow board turnover box, can pile type, according to the contour points of these specifications type: whether it has a complete lid or not can't cover, affect the two case sensitive or more boxes were stacked up and down.
6, can also lunch turnover at the same time the cost of back and forth, but this stack hollow board turnover box, the characteristics of inclined plug-in turnover box is empty time reduce the volume of storage. Will demand matching lid use at the same time.
7, dislocation model.
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