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What are the factors influencing the price of hollow board turnover box?

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
The price of the hollow board turnover box, it is a lot of buyers consider the main problem when hollow board turnover box, then we should from what respect to determine? A:

factors associated with the value of the hollow board turnover box itself. Since we chose the hollow board turnover box, you know that it has the advantages of no ordinary carton or wooden case can replace: meet the national requirements of environmental protection, rich color, size can be customized, water resistant corrosion resistance, long life, light dead weight stack security firm, diverse combinations.

factors affecting two: whether it is hollow plate production factory? Good insulating board manufacturers can not only in terms of price, quality, delivery guarantee,. The main is that a real strength of the manufacturers will have a more technical experience, can according to your product customization out of you. Practical design solutions, what is more important than this? Hollow board turnover box belongs to the hollow board, customized products, if the size does not conform to the requirements, the design is unreasonable, not convenient to use and then lost its meaning of custom. Three:

factors related to the ratio of the raw material of the hollow plate. Hollow plate production of raw materials can be divided into new material and reworked material, new material added, the more the better the quality, of course also more expensive. Four:

factors related to the thickness of the hollow board material and density. Thickness is in commonly 2 to hollow plate products 5 mm, the board is thicker, the quality of plastic hollow board itself, the greater the use of material, the higher the price of hollow board turnover box. Density and density of hollow board material, the material density is also called the gram weight, the weight of the hollow plate is 1 square meters. Here is chongda g plastic hollow board, can be used as reference. Five:

influence factors and the design of hollow slab hollow board turnover box. Hollow board turnover box design if more complex, take material also more, also more production process, artificial cost is higher, accordingly. The higher the price. Embellish peng hollow plate products provide one-on-one practical design scheme according to the customer, save worry save time to save money for you!
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