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What are the main play crural line decoration effect?

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
1. Decorate metope: the line that play a base as part of the wall decorative pattern, let no longer drab metope, is one of the decoration effect of the line that play a base.

  2. Decorating the ground: it is very important, is the line that play a base to this day it is difficult to the main reason for the cancellation & ndash; — Both wood and ceramic tile, after completion of the paving, produces a little deformation. So the floor is not able to clingy metope, want to set aside for expansion of space, or the floor will be out of shape. In other words, there will be a gap between the floor and walls. This gap, the line that play a base is required to hide.

are we on the line that play a base to do? Of course not, we have two ways to solve the problem of the line that play a base & ndash; — Dark line that play a base and not play crural line.

  ( Play crural line and other additional function, for example, kicking lines trough, the heating of the line that play a base, etc. , but are not irreplaceable, but is not the best choice, too much talk but does not make sense. )

the bright and dark posts

let's common post the method is Ming play crural line, refers to the line that play a base relative to the wall, is outstanding. This causes two big problems: 1. A piece of the line that play a base, tables and chairs and cabinets, cannot clingy wall; 2. Along the line that play a base, time is long dusty, the ash is very difficult to arrange, here maybe the metope is dirty.

and dark play crural line installed, refers to the line that play a base and wall in a plane, thereby removing the just said two problems. Particular way is slotted on wall & ndash; — First slot floor again, do not affect the need for reserved gap between floor and wall. Finished floor, the line that play a base on groove, to keep out gap.
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