CSSSLD plastic product factory specialized in plastic injection, a professional plastic extrusion manufacturer and plastic injection factory since 1997.

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What are the reasons will affect the gloss and color injection molding!

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
Production of injection molds need to use plastic injection mold. Usually, use the produced by the method of injection molding plastic products surface gloss and color is very good, but in some cases, inevitably there are some shortcomings. In addition to plastic material itself, the mold surface stains and glossiness, and what will be the impact in the injection molding?
( 1) Mould finish is poor, cavity surface corrosion, mold venting is not good.
( 2) There is something wrong with the mould gating system. Cold hole to increase, sprue, main sprue, runner, gate to grinding.
( 3) Material temperature and mold temperature is low, local heating gate when necessary.
( 4) Injection molding process pressure is too low, too slow, injection time is insufficient, lack of back pressure, density difference, black surface.
( 5) To fully plastic, but to prevent material degradation, heat stability, to fully cooling, especially thick wall material.
( 6) To prevent cold material into parts, if necessary, use a lock spring or lower the temperature in the nozzle.
( 7) Recycled material use too much, plastic or poor quality of colorant, mixed with water vapor or other impurities, the use of lubricant quality is poor.
( 8) The clamping force must be enough.
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