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What is the basic principle of injection molding processing?

by:CSSSLD     2021-02-03
Comprehensive injection molding process is closed in the plastic melt flow under high pressure cavity, heat setting, acquisition and cavity exactly the shape of plastic products. The injection molding processing factory in changshu for your detailed explanation science basic principle of large injection molding processing!

plastic plasticizing: in injection molding process, solid plastic travel upward through the rotating screw, along the direction of the slot after moving, and through the heating of thread, compaction, the stress and the hybrid heating. It was transformed into delicious fluid plastic melt, with symmetrical density, viscosity and composition, smooth and origin.

molding process: plasticizing of plastic melt is stored at the cylinder storage areas, screw in the injection process along the axis of rotation. On the screw under the effect of injection pressure, the plastic melt in a certain rate through the cylinder. The front of the nozzle, taking the forming die casting system and so on into the mold cavity.

the cooling and solidification process: plastic melt into the cavity filled cavity, in order to eliminate all kinds of flow resistance. Add in the cavity of the plastic from the cavity pressure, melt plastics melt flow this driver. The trend of the return cylinder, because cavity cooling effect, the plastic melt by heating and inflation. At this point, take the screw again get added pressure to maintain the plastic melt of cavity and never moved, and through the plastic melt complement cavity appropriately. Subject to add the shrinkage of the cavity space, until the plastic melt gradually heated and solidified into products.
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