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What is the effect of desks and chairs for students?

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
Student desks and chairs are students learning. Basic education equipment, at the same time. Important education equipment. Students every day most of the time and the desks and chairs, long time use will certainly have some effect on the students, today small make up just to talk with everybody desks and chairs have any effect on the students.

1。 Affect vision
the height of the student will not appropriate for students' vision on the impact of highly inappropriate desks and chairs will directly affect the students sitting position, easy to let the students suffer from myopia. Does not have the right to use eye sanitation, sitting position is not right, bad reading habits, is the important cause of myopia.
2。 Affect spinal development
a doctor told us, student desks and chairs are too low and cause cervical vertebra problems of children most tall and thin, that is because the desk is too low, the children to write down every day, at the same time, because there is not enough muscle to protect bones. Bow to write for a long time, naturally the body back, put all the pressure to the waist, a long time can cause cervical vertebra or kyphosis, once appear this kind of condition, the late is difficult to cure. ( Student desk and chair of the chair is too high, can't tread flat on the ground, the gravity of the calf makes back thigh blood vessels and nerves oppressed, poor blood flow, lower limb numbness, or in order to make the feet step on the ground, to the whole body move forward, make hip sit in the chair front, double upper body weight, body fell on the table. But the chair is too low, the thigh cannot focus on all chairs, the acute Angle of leg, hip load is too large, easy to fatigue. When the table is too high or too low chair, all can make increase height of desk and chair, height of desk and chair too ambassador to get students to read and write from desktop too close, when writing, shoulders or only one arm on the desktop, easy to form scoliosis and myopia. Height of desks and chairs are too hours, can make the head and neck and trunk forward curve, support the weight of the upper body v in upper limbs on the desktop, formation after spinal processes. )

3。 Affects the lungs are
if the room for a long time to write reading body, can also affect the development of lung, pulmonary ventilation function and cardiopulmonary function, lead to small thoracic and lung capacity, etc. Curved spine abnormalities and may affect the heart, lung and blood circulation, respiratory and digestive function, cause kyphosis, etc.
4。 Impact grades
if the children sit uncomfortable, need to adjust sitting position, thus distracted, affect learning. Fatigue and physical culture and sports commission will make students didn't have the energy to concentrate on their study.
the above four contents are desks and chairs for students. Direct impact, for the sake of our next generation, desks and chairs when the choose and buy must pay attention to sift through the qualification of desks and chairs manufacturer, avoid buying to the unqualified products. Farce is chongda plastic's education to learn ZhuoYi brand, relying on mature in chongda decades of plastic injection molding technology, sets of desks and chairs, development, production and sales in one, continuous innovation, grasp the quality upgrading, at present has established cooperative relations with many famous schools and look forward to cooperate with you!
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