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What is the effect of higher student desks and chairs can

by:CSSSLD     2021-02-03
Student desks and chairs in the child's growth process has played a huge role, but also direct contact with the children in the daily learning, therefore, for students on the height of desks and chairs, material quality, the use of performance needs to be carefully chosen, that is so important, then farce learn ZhuoYi small make up talk to you if student desks and chairs too high will have any impact on the child.

student highly inappropriate words can affect a child's vision. Why do you say that? Because students desks and chairs are too high, the child to write for a long time too close with the eye, a direct impact on student's posture, children lack of correct knowledge with the eye, can cause the corresponding vision loss, incorrect posture and bad reading habits is an important reason of myopia. If a child sit uncomfortable, need to adjust sitting position, thus distracted, affect learning. And higher student desks and chairs can let the students didn't have the energy to concentrate on learning, and more easily lead to fatigue, produce school-weary psychology. By understanding, we found that in school, especially the size of the primary and secondary school students is uneven, but the school high school desks and chairs of the height of the similar size is consistent for the healthy growth of children have no advantage, therefore, the phenomenon still need attention.

student desks and chairs are too high, affects to the student's body and mind, the school and parents should take the student as the center, in order to the healthy growth of students, guarantee to provide a high quality and comfortable learning space, it is necessary to let the students learn comfortable and relax.
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