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What is the effect of unqualified desks and chairs will be?

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
Student desks and chairs are students. Important learning tool, students spend most of their time in contact with the desks and chairs, so everyone in the choice of desks and chairs when must choose qualified and suitable desks and chairs. Chongda small make up remind you not to buy to disqualify the desks and chairs, desks and unqualified will impact the following:
1, the students sit do not conform to the requirements of the health of the desks and chairs for a long time, can make the compression XiongFuQiang organs, impede blood flow and breathing exercises, lead to fatigue and insufficient blood supply to the brain, easy to form the correct reading and writing posture, thus affecting the normal development of spine and vision.

2, long-term use of high desks and chairs, causes the student with eyes too close, make students eyesight drops rapidly, the formation of myopia; On the contrary, if the desks and chairs too short, can cause student lumbar cervical fatigue, lead to deformation, humpback and induce cervical spine. Teenagers in a critical period of growth and development, incorrect posture cause abnormal spine bending, etc.
3, is not in conformity with the ergonomics of desk and chair height also easy to cause students to distraction, which affect academic performance.
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