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What is the importance of injection mould maintenance

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
The importance of injection mould maintenance

injection mould for plastic injection products processing is the most important molding equipment, its quality fit and unfit quality directly related to the products quality. And, as a result of mold in injection molding processing enterprises occupy a large proportion in the cost of production, its service life directly about injection molding products cost. Therefore, improve the quality of injection mold, and good maintenance and maintenance, prolong the life cycle, is an important topic of the authors efficiency injection molding products processing enterprises.

due to injection molding products processing enterprise product variety, mold change more frequently, the completion of a production cycle, the mould warehouse generally kept until the next production cycle comes out again. But simply ignored the mould to save some of the processing enterprises, the rusting of the mold in the preservation period, the phenomenon such as surface finish fall, causing the deterioration of product quality, high rejection rate, some mould even difficult to reuse, the need to invest a lot of money buy new mould, caused great waste.

the data shows, the use and maintenance in the mold accounted for 15% ~ 20%, and factors affecting the service life of the injection mould service life can reach 800000 times, some foreign maintenance good mould can even be extended 2 ~ 3 times. But domestic enterprises due to ignore the maintenance, the service life of the injection mould is shorter, only about 1/5 ~ 1/3 abroad. Due to short service life of die steel processing waste time and energy, as well as the quality of product effect brought about by the loss of billions of yuan a year.
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