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What is the main points of the injection molding processing technology?

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
Injection molding is a quite complex process. At the same time, there are many complex and complicated physical and chemical changes.
so, we must be familiar with injection molding technology of the injection molding process, to be able to timely and quickly complete the entire injection molding process. So what is the main content of the injection molding process?

1. Injection molding processing plastic materials should be in molten state, the lowest viscosity in injection molding machine machine barrel.
when the molten plastic flows through the nozzle at high speed and a mold flow paths, with small cross section temperature from 70 - moment 90 increased to about 130 degrees, and reached the critical solidification state, which is
the best point of material liquid, and the injection pressure. Injection speed is usually 3 to 4 between 118 and 235 mpa. Between 5 m/s.
2。 Thermosetting plastic containing more than 40% of the filler, the viscosity and frictional resistance is big, plastic injection pressure should also increase, because half of the injection pressure consumption in the casting system of the friction resistance.

3. Middle water and gas injection tooling material in curing reaction. Cavity must have good exhaust structure, or on the surface of injection molding parts, general defects such as bubbles.
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