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What's the suspension assembly movement floor for?

by:CSSSLD     2021-02-03
Now assembled movement as a modern movement on the ground floor shop outfit material, a growing number of sports venues chosen assembly floor. Suspension assembly floor is also called the suspension mat, it is the first data of food grade of modified polypropylene, with environmental protection. , safe and healthy. First applied in the kindergarten outdoor space and outdoor playgrounds. So, as a new kind of sports ground pavement information suspension assembly floor has what function?
a: suspension structure planning
to the top of the supply of wicked coefficient of sliding friction and rolling load; Each floor has 376 cross bracing feet from the panel suspended in the ground; Suspension planning and supply of wicked shock absorption, the ball rebounded, vertical deformation characteristics.

2: high impact polypropylene copolymer
environmental protection material, the weather resistance of talent, reached - low temperature resistant function 35 degrees. 。 The service life and wear resistance,. Big. Reduce environmental pressure waterproof anti-corrosion, does not contain harmful to human body of heavy metal material or volatile substances; High-tech materials formula supply durable do not fade; Products after use, can be 100% recycled. Three:

reinforced lock system reinforced lock system planning, has the remarkable tensile strength, meet the demand of high strength of competitive contest; Cutting pressure on the knee joint surface around the buffer planning, supply of wicked buffer force level, falling movement.
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