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Where is the gap of injection moulds between domestic and abroad

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
For now, compared with the injection mold abroad, there are still some gap between domestic injection mold. First of all, China is a developing country, the distance from developed countries are still a little distance. Although domestic injection mold also has developed rapidly in recent years, but still technically far from abroad. In terms of material and precision, is still significant differences. So, compared with foreign injection mould, what is the main difference?

unbalanced development, the overall level of the product is low. Although some enterprises of some products has reached or close to international standards, but overall, the precision of the mold, mold surface roughness, production cycle, life indexes such as compared with foreign advanced level, there is still a big gap.

technical equipment backward, organization and coordination ability is poor. Although after the technical transformation of recent years, some enterprises have advanced technology and equipment, but most companies still relatively backward technology and equipment. The enterprise organization and coordination ability is poor, it is difficult to integrate or mobilize social resources for the use of I, this makes it difficult to carry out large-scale projects.

3, most of the enterprise development ability is weak. On the one hand, technical personnel ratio is low, level high enough; On the other hand, the concept of scientific research and development investment, less behind, development seriously enough.

4. Still difficult to solve the contradiction between supply and demand.
in 2003, domestic plastic mold of the degree of satisfaction is only 74 in the domestic market. 7%, while large, precision, long life of the mold even lower satisfaction, estimates that less than 60%. The development of market demand, it is difficult to keep up with the production. In short supply situation will continue for a period of time.

solve the problem of system and the talent needs some time. In the fierce competition in the industry, such as mold, rely on special users and single production industry, the original state-owned and collective-owned system and operational mechanism of more and more inappropriate.
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