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Where there is to do package plastic mold secondary molding mould factory?

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
Plastic bags in the design of industrial products are favored by more and more, even there are a lot of products in the early stage of the ID into the plastic bags of elements, in order to achieve a variety of handle a variety of colors, highlight stereo feeling of the products. But helpless in double color mould expensive mould cost, had to abandon the original concept. Do the product as the pursuit of perfection, because the costs and cut corners or settle for second best products are doomed to be incomplete. Subjective thought of small make up, do not save too much cost, but need to reasonably control the cost, such as double color products you can choose to do secondary molding package of plastic mould, double color mould will be much cheaper than. First of all, we need to know the double color mould and secondary distinction between the molding of plastic bags, to weigh up the pros and cons. Double color mould using the two is two, that is, two sets of mould, can cooperate with each other, to the mold accuracy requirement is relatively high, so the production cost is high. Secondary package molding plastic mould points a hard plastic mould and a collar for a horse plastic mould, relative mould precision is not so high, half of the mould cost is almost double color mould. Mould cost is on the other hand, we need to consider from the Angle of the follow-up production, double color mould is to use double color machine injection, a two-color machine can complete the whole process of forming and process parameter debugging good, injection molding processing of product quality is stable, and high efficiency; Compared with secondary molding plastic bags, need two sets of mold, injection molding machine molding apart artificial operation, there are many uncontrolled factors, will be double color mould is better than high efficiency. If the product quantity is big, suggest early spend high cost to develop double color mould, do it after a certain amount, but the mould price is negligible, the early care about mould price friends, most of their products is not required and have no confidence. In addition to the mould cost and injection cost efficiency, also not all double color products can do double color mould, double color mould for general structure is a bit complex products, there is no big advantage. And secondary molding package of plastic mold is almost to the net, what products can achieve what you want the adhesive effect. Smooth plastic products factory must also plastic mould manufacturer, over the years focused on the complex structure of secondary package molding plastic mold manufacturing, metal piece mold, beer, sport watches, smart wristband, public security wristbands, the electric vehicle power supply, fire plastic plastic bags, medical equipment package plastic mold, mechanical and electrical handle plastic bags, children's speaker bag plastic mould and so on, recognised by the industry customers consistent, welcome to inquire, smooth willing to challenge the perfect product, enjoy the process of chasing, think customers create greater value for glory.
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