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Why suspended floor is widely used in school

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
Suspended floor is made of environmental protection material modification is made of polypropylene, product structure is unique, outdoor high applicability, belong to the new sports floors, with environmental protection, safety and health, wear resistance, weather resistance, moistureproof and waterproof, sports performance. Wait for a characteristic, is widely used in a variety of venues, today small make up will talk to you one of them, what are the advantages of school outdoor with suspended floors? A strong, professional

suspended floor can and satisfy the dynamic requirements of sport ( Including deformation, vibration and shock absorption, the ball bounce, non-slip performance) And the static construction specification requirements ( Such as structural strength, the shop is precision, node connection and surface decoration effect, etc. ) , the high quality of the suspended floors have a number of standard even can meet the requirements of the professional game of sports flooring.
2, environmental protection health
the school environment for more stringent environmental protection requirements, and the high quality of suspended floors, strictly select high-quality raw materials to ensure the floor does not contain lead, chromium, mercury, heavy metals. 、. So as to meet the requirements of food grade contact, give students a health and safety of trust movement space. Three, durable non-slip

basic every day students on our school playground activities, utilization rate is very high, it puts forward higher requirements on the wear resistance of the floor, the suspended floor layer support plate reinforcement design enhance the bearing of the lateral plate body, can prevent the movement produced under impact plate fracture, reduce the repeated modification of money into the floor. By unique non-slip surface, prevent slippery performance comprehensive upgrade, reduce the risk of student movement in the slip.

4, buffer protection in place
suspended floor connected by structural elastic body, dense and arc floor design supporting feet are huge impact local moment passed to the intensive support to form the moderate impact flexibility matrix, to the child's knee, ankle and back and cervical vertebra joint formation protection, and now in the market of high-end products are soft connection combination structure, multiple elastic lateral cushioning force, muscle fatigue of senescence, reduce stop, start, and turned to generate the side of the force of the damage.
more than five colors, specifications, the floor as design
suspension up to several kinds of grain, a variety of colors, the school playground, which can realize the childcare places do assembling, free design, and can replace local color or pattern to piece together, even if the plates have damaged single block can be replaced, don't need a whole floor & other; Big changes throughout the &; Application of flexible pavement fashion and beautiful, let the site.
6, from climate impacts, and use the unlimited
through dense mesh arrangement design, make the leakage of water and sand dust can all obstacles to the floor below the surface, through the space between the feet and into the ground below the outside of the tank. In the light rain weather, also do not need to interrupt. This design can make our sport is no longer affected by any weather climate, in the epidemic of weather can enjoy the pleasure of sports. This sport for many in the agreed time with the school teaching activity has special practical special significance.
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