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Winter suspended floor maintenance method

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
In the winter, such as the weather is sunny, when maintenance, we only need to wash suspended floors, to maintain the daily cleaning. But if it is snow to dump of snow on the ground as soon as possible, because long-term snow would have frozen effect, shorten the service life of the floor, with general broom to clean when you deal with snow. If there are icy phenomenon, due to the snow fell last site can take small rubber hammer in tapped on the surface of the way to break the ice, Don't use spatula become warped snow shovels and other hard objects, etc. , so as not to damage the floor surface) , let the surface ice from in the fall, in the slowly melting temperature recovery ( Remember don't in the top field with soluble substances) 。 In general, the cold weather is suspended floors in use to prevent scratches, snow, etc.

the correct maintenance of the suspended floors method 1, don't wear nail sneakers and heels
you must wear special shoes, please do not wear a nail sneakers and heels into motion, so as to avoid unnecessary damage the floor.

2, clear in time after a snow snow to dump of snow on the ground as soon as possible, after long-term frozen snow effect, shorten the service life of the floor, handle the snow with the broom of general cleaning, avoid freezing. If frozen pitch due to snow continued phenomenon, can take small rubber hammer in tapped on the surface of the way to break the ice, Don't use spatula become warped snow shovels and other hard objects, etc. , so as not to damage the floor surface) , let the surface ice from in the fall, in the slowly melting temperature recovery ( Remember don't in the top field with soluble substances) 。
3, common water flushing to clean
daily wash clean with clear water. Because web format of suspension design, make the leakage of water and sand dust can all obstacles to the floor below the surface, through the space between the feet and into the ground below the outside of the tank. So you can keep the floor clean, at the same time, there will be no water.
4, not to strong corrosive liquids such as hydrochloric acid, sulfuric acid spilled on the floor
it is forbidden to use inferior detergent containing strong acid and alkali cleaning the floor, Including clean lavatory spirit) And at the same time it is forbidden to use strong organic solvent such as gasoline, thinners, cleaning the floor, so as not to damage the floor.
5, regular service
suspended neutral cleaner should be used when cleaning the floor is clean, can not use strong acid or alkali cleaner to clean the ground, the preventive maintenance work regularly clean. Encounter more difficult to remove stains, don't use jess ( Steel wire ball) Grinding, need to find a professional treatment, eliminate pollution.
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