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Working pressure adjustment in molding processing plants

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
Working pressure adjustment of injection molding processing plant

injection pressure adjustment in the factory? In the processing factory in the whole process of plastic injection, injection molding processing effects on the size of the forming pressure. Injection molding processing work pressure during the whole process include melting are two kinds of working pressure and injection pressure, an immediate effect on quality of plastic melting and the arts and crafts. 1, the melt pressure: application of air-cooled injection machine, extruder screw top wear-resisting material in the extruder screw rotation time working pressure is caused by the melting work pressure. Melt pressure can decision according to the regulated speed regulating valve in the hydraulic transmission system size. In an injection, the provisions of the melt pressure due to the size of the die casting and plastic types are different, if the speed of extruder screw than won't change, melt pressure boost after cutting effect will be strengthened, the temperature of the melt, the molten compressive strength weak, put back the clock and leakage flow, the driver output power increases. The temperature of the melt pressure to compromise solution precision, a mixture of dyes precision and the size of the discharged gas in the solution. General practice, melt pressure should be in the premise of ensure the craft quality under the condition of the lower, the better, with different kinds of commonly used plastic values is different also, but generally very little beyond 20 kg per cubic centimeter. 2, the injection pressure of work: in today's manufacturing, the vast majority of injection pressure of injection machine with a plunger pump or the top of the extruder screw on plastic working pressure as the standard. Injection pressure can reduce the plastic from the cylinder into the concave die liquid friction resistance, promote the speed of filling mold wear resistant material, working pressure of the melt. Injection molding processing plants in order to ensure the quality of die casting, pay attention to working pressure control method in the whole process of injection molding plant. On the basis of the quality of the goods specified, choose suitable for the working pressure of manipulation methods and working pressure size.

injection processing factory what is the color of the solution
injection processing factory what is the color of the solution? Die casting tonal variety, is of strong ornamental value, its production and processing of raw material is completely transparent and transparent color of high-pressure polyethylene and polypropylene, often because of rich and colorful color depends on to develop coloring solution, then, what is the color of the solution? Combined with dyes technical, but it was a manufacturing precision, high repeatability and shade coherent die casting, suitable for mass production. Color masterbatch points are two kinds of powder and liquid injection molding processing plants, according to mix plastic and masterbatch, the transportation together into plastic machine production and processing. Advantage is to reduce the dust problem, the low cost of raw materials, storage more convenient. Dry pigment coloring method is more cost-effective, dusting tonal symmetrical and precise, when it is applied to application of special specifications of the bags or in cartons on the right of the total number of dry pigment. When applied dry dye, plastic surface must be covered a layer of symmetrical additives, mixing way to relatively accurate, coloring process after fixed out need to conform the actual operation.
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