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Blister factory answer blister box is harmful to human body

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
Blister processing plant, blister box is the more common type of packaging products, but there are a lot of people for blister box of some error, think the blister products are poisonous, blister processing factory answer today blister box is harmful to human body. Blister process belongs to a kind of plastic processing hot pressing, plastic extrusion stage of gas is very complex, but the new raw materials to the blister there is no harm to human body. Current research state of the exhaust gas factor coefficient is relatively small, the design to the exhaust gas analysis is not very full. The exhaust emissions is not large, the general public praise good blister processing plant from raw material purchasing to plant environment is very strict. Blister box processed after cooling is not poisonous, not only environmentally friendly materials will cause harm to human body. So good blister box is not harmful to human body, changshu shijie, plastic products factory is a professional production and processing of blister, barrel, food blister, blister toys. PVC, PS, PP and other plastic products company. Passed the ISO 9000, ISO 9003 and ISO 9004 international quality management system certification, product quality in line with the domestic and international standards.
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