CSSSLD plastic product factory specialized in plastic injection, a professional plastic extrusion manufacturer and plastic injection factory since 1997.

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Blister processing manufacturer to introduce what is blister tray

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
Blister processing factory, used in some electronic digital blister tray factory, hardware, food, daily necessities and other industries, the tray products is one of the clamshell blister type in the industry, then you know blister tray generally use what material? Today under specific to introduce the blister tray. Within the blister tray is also called plastic, blister process will be specific grooves of the plastic plate made of plastics, the product into the slots, protect and beautify the product, also has transportation pallet packaging, pallets use is more convenient. Blister tray material: blister products raw materials only plastic sheet, film thickness is generally not more than 1. 5 mm, the commonly used sheet are: PVC, PET, PP, PS, and on the basis of flocking sheet, gold-plated sheet and anti-static sheet. Blister tray rise to protect and beautify the role of the product, also has transportation pallet packaging, pallets use is more convenient. Changshu shijie, plastic products factory is a professional production and processing of blister, barrel, food blister, blister toys. PVC, PS, PP and other plastic products company. The implementation of quality management, and adopted the ISO 9000, ISO 9003 and ISO 9004 international quality management system certification, product quality in line with the domestic and international standards.
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