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Building performance of resin matrix composites

by:CSSSLD     2021-02-03
Wen injection tooling/VIP
building industry occupies very important position in national economy, which a country, whether it's to look construction industry is one of the pillar industries of national economy. With the progress of the society, people's living area, housing quality and entertainment facilities such as higher and higher demands are proposed, that is the power to promote the development of construction industry reform.

sound insulation sex. Sound insulation effect is good or bad is one of the standards to evaluate the quality of the building. But traditional materials, sound insulation effect good building material density is bigger, often poor thermal insulation, transportation and installation difficulties. Sound insulation performance of resin matrix composites, though not very ideal, but it has faded in sonic vibration) and transmission, the specially designed structure, can achieve double effect of sound insulation and heat insulation.

mechanics performance is good. The mechanical properties of resin matrix composites can be designed in large range, as a result of chosen material, reinforced material paving direction and the direction of differences, can obtain the discriminant large composite materials. More prominent is the resin matrix composites in the process of manufacture, can according to the stress state of artifacts and local strengthening, such already can improve the bearing capacity of the structure, and save materials, reduce weight.

good decorative. Resin matrix composite surface is bright and clean, can be made into all kinds of bright colors, also can produce different pattern and design, suitable for manufacturing various decorative, large relief and arts and crafts sculpture, etc.

can design. The performance of resin matrix composites can be designed according to the requirement, such as water resistance, anti-corrosion, high strength, can choose resin matrix composites. Due to the resin matrix composite structure of light weight, easy to manufacture, for large and complicated shape of building products, can be a molding manufacture, improve the integrity of structures.

good pervious to light. The light transmittance of transparent glass more than 85%, its biggest characteristic is not easily broken, can withstand the load. When used in construction engineering can be integrated design structure, enclosure, and lighting, to simplify the lighting design, the purpose of reducing the project cost. Insulating

stays well. The role of the building is to be able to prevent temperature changes caused by heat conduction, heat convection, give people a good work and rest environment. Generally poor heat insulation performance of building materials.

water permeability and hygroscopicity. FRP low moisture absorption, waterproof, can be used in the construction engineering of waterproof, water supply and drainage engineering.

electric properties. Glass fiber reinforced plastic has good insulation performance, it is not subject to electromagnetic waves, not reflected radio waves. By design, can make its within the wide band have good through microwave performance, the building of electric communication system has special purpose.

resistance to chemical corrosion. Glass fiber reinforced plastic has very good antimicrobial effect and acid, alkali, organic solvents and the ability of sea water corrosion effect. Particularly applicable to chemical construction, underground construction, hydraulic structure engineering, etc.

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