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Design in plastic injection mold production and processing

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
Plastic mold production and processing must use performance rules do
plastic mold production and processing must generally after forging, drilling, production and processing, such as surface conditioning treatment process. So that grinding tool manufacturing quality, save the product cost, its raw materials should have good malleability, drilling process performance, the quenching force, the cutting performance and cutting can be; Should also have a small air oxidation, carburization sensitivity and heat treatment deformation crack tendency. 1, malleability, hot forging deformation in plastic injection mold has a lower immunity ability, good plastic deformation, the forging temperature range wide, forging crack, cold crack and cementite toward low dissolve reticular structure. 2 the manufacturability, annealing of spheroidizing annealing temperature range wide, low intensity of quenching and fluctuation range is small, spheroidization rate is high. 3 drilling tool performance, durable, CNC blade loss is low, the production processing and low roughness. 4, air oxidation, carburization sensitivity high temperature heating, the antioxidant can good, carburizing speed is slow, is not sensitive to heating material, black spots tend to small. 5, after heat treatment quenching mandatory high surface strength due to the lack of symmetry. 6, cutting performance plastic mold to get deeper hardening layer after heat treatment, with ease can hardening heat treatment material. 7 basic heat treatment, heat treatment deformation cracks tend to small volume change, look up, become mild, abnormal deformation trend lower. Basic crack sensitivity is low, heat treatment of heat treatment temperature and the steel is not sensitive. 8, can be cutting sand round piece of relativity small loss, cutting usage, on the sand wheel quality and standard of refrigeration is not sensitive, it is not easy to hurt cutting grinding cracks.

plastic mold production and processing of design rules
plastic mold production and processing of plastic injection mold production and processing design rules design requirements: 1, plastic appearance and design of wall thickness should be considered whether to add concave mold filling material flow, the effective, as far as possible need not appear bevel Angle, gap. Software in the cross section should be 2, pouring system, vertical step and short, for chemical fiber proportion diversification. 3, plastic mold core, concave die, stiffness and compressive strength are required. 4, plastic mold should be hardened, grinding polishing, can use grinding steel grades, easily damaged place should be conducive to change. 5, release should be symmetrical strong, is conducive to change. 6, abrasive shall establish the exhaust pipe material overflow groove, and should be located in easy to produce soluble seam position.
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