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Detailed speaking hollow corrugated board USES and functions - — Chongda plastic

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
A lot of people will be confused hollow board and corrugated board, in fact they belong to the product of PP polypropylene and polyethylene, to a certain extent with similar function and using effect. Hollow board was to call PP hollow board, corrugated board, wantong board or grating, has bright and colorful color and high bending function, the moistureproof, flame retardant,. , conductivity, corrosion resistance, wear resistance, UV resistance, anti vibration such as convenient performance is also very prominent. Then hollow board manufacturer is to tell everyone about the use of PP hollow board, hope you have a comprehensive knowledge of the plank and cognition.

the function of the PP hollow plate is very large, and in all walks of life use effect is very ideal, the appearance of the first, because it is smooth and strong coloration, can be made into various specifications and colors of advertisement display card. This material of advertising sign can be exposed to the sun for a long time, and it is not easy to break and deformation. Second, hollow corrugated board boxes can also be processed into a variety of logistics, the functions of these cases the continuation of hollow board, can to a large extent ensure the integrity of the quality of the goods inside.

hollow board in addition to the above purpose, it also can be used as a ceiling decoration materials as well as bag shape material, can be said to be USES a very wide range. About the purpose and functions of hollow plate corrugated board to share with you so much, so if you also want to buy hollow board material, might as well to the formal manufacturer or website to buy it.
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