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Different placement of classroom desks and chairs

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
1. Tables and chairs the circular arrangement of
to remove all the table, and in the form of a circular array chair, so that the students face to face. If arranged in a circle, it is suitable for the class discussion. If students need to write a table, the table row outside the circle, when students need to write, direct turn around.
2。 If the classroom is big enough, you can decorate the tables and chairs first, so that every team can group learning activities. Team is a little farther, to prevent interference. Don't let distance too far, in order to avoid contact.
3。 Desks and chairs in the grouping plan will seat tightly layout at side of the table, so that the students can contact. Some students need to adjust the chair slightly, to see the blackboard, the teacher and projection screen. Chair from each group will be moved to the front of the classroom, in order to prevent the students frequently turned round.

4。 Horseshoe arrangement of tables and chairs
the students can read and write in their own top, also can see teacher and audio-visual media directly. Can face to face contact between the students. Let the students sitting side by side. The teacher can into middle and distribute a horseshoe notes at any time. Make sure there is enough space between the horseshoe. Can also form a semicircle in the group.
5。 Desks and chairs in the formal meeting is long or round the table, is suitable for the arrangement, this reduces the importance of the teachers, increase the importance of the students. If teachers seat as shown in figure 1, you can create the atmosphere for the meeting. If the teacher in the middle, the remote students will feel neglected. You can also use a form of hollow the long table in a row.
6。 Desks and chairs in the arrangement is suitable for the active operation and situational teaching experiment. Iron bed made from ordinary Angle steel bed, production and processing cost is low, with a drill screw holes, use welder welding, paint. Immediately after the teacher demonstration teaching, students can cooperate at your desk. If you need training study partner, a workstation for two people.
tables and chairs are designed to meet the new curriculum reform, small class teaching, junior and senior high school classroom teaching desk spiritual needs. Do both conforms to the standard, and is suitable for the functional requirements, materials and combining with condition of school buildings, relative increase students homework, operations, and the effective use of the area.
traditional students inside the classroom desks and chairs placed relatively modest, but a lot of modernization and the guest room there will be more used different desks and chairs positions for the interactive.
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