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Flame retardant agent and flame retardant additives association effect and eliminate smoke agent

by:CSSSLD     2021-02-03
Antimony oxide itself can't flame retardant, but with halogen flame retardants and use, can greatly improve the flame retardant effect of halogen flame retardants. Antimony oxide generated association effect because it can to the role of organic halide in the combustion process, generate halide antimony. Average particle size of dozens of micro silicon powder and halogen flame retardants, phosphate flame retardants, and magnesium hydroxide have good association effect, also can reduce the generation of CO and smoke speed, improve the plastic impact. Especially for engineering plastics, but also can improve the injection molding processability and heat resistance.

in order to reduce the amount of smoke plastic burns and smoke density, increase dosage of filler and other methods can be used to reduce the plastic smoke source, but is more commonly used smoke elimination agent was added to reduce the plastic smoke when burning. Plastics combustion smoke is generated by burning gas and incomplete combustion of solid particles. It not only toxic, and get in the way of line of sight, to the harm of the personal safety, especially when the plastic, the organic fire retardant agent is added to the toxicity of gases from the burning of more. In the fire, as a result of asphyxia and the number of casualties is greater than the number of burning casualties, as a result, the smoke elimination is an important part of the course.

the smoke produced by incomplete combustion is an important reason of the reason to join accelerant like potassium nitrate plastic after the fire burning full, reduce smoke. When choosing this type of smoke elimination agent dosage should be appropriate, otherwise it will offset or partially offset the effect of flame retardant.

some organometallic compounds such as ferrocene can promote plastic carbonized when combustion, reducing the generation of smoke. Some metal oxide or its carbonate, boric acid, phosphoric acid have smoke abatement effect, such as aluminum oxide and zinc borate is PVC commonly used smoke elimination agent, adding 2% molybdenum oxide can reduce quantity of smoke when burning - 40% 50%. In addition, some organic compounds, such as organic silicone, boric acid glyceride, bipolar fumaric acid, and so on also have smoke abatement effect.

can eliminate free radical, or containing water of crystallization of inorganic compounds, such as sodium bicarbonate, hydrated alumina can inhibit the action of the smoke, inorganic compounds containing crystal water itself is flame retardant, so the effect is better.

see more: new type of inorganic flame retardant magnesium hydroxide, click directly.
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