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Flame retarding of plastic theory

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
Wen injection tooling/VIP
most polymeric materials are flammable materials, therefore, in electrical, electronics, electrical appliances, automobile, vehicle, aviation industries such as applications, there is a need for flame retardant chemical modification, the safety of the packaging used.

is the practical application, there are two ways to get the flame retardant modification of polymer materials, one is adding flame retardant materials, and the polymer matrix resin blend, produce flame retardant polymer composites; Another method is to use a flame retardant elements of reactive monomer copolymerization reaction with polymer, made of flame retardant polymer materials. All have flame retardant effect of flame retardant, it is because of its in the combustion process of polymer, can prevent or inhibit the change of its physical or oxidation reaction speed. The flame retardant mechanism of different kinds of flame retardants and role is not the same.

polymer combustion reaction of combustion is a rapid oxidation of fuel and oxidant, usually with exothermic, photoluminescence, generated gas products and condensed matter. Polymer in the combustion process at the same time with hot oxygen degradation of polymer in the condensed phase, decomposition products in solid phase and gas phase diffusion, mixed with air to form chain combustion oxidation of reactants and the gas phase reaction. The properties of the polymer, such as specific heat, thermal conductivity, thermal decomposition temperature, decomposition, ignition point, flash point has a great influence on combustion.

the flame retardant mechanism of phosphorus-containing flame retardant
organic phosphorus flame retardants in combustion, decompose generate non-combustible phosphate liquid membrane, when further combustion, phosphate generate metaphosphoric acid dehydration; Metaphosphate further generate poly phosphoric acid. Because of the strong dehydrating agent poly phosphoric acid, make the carbonization of polymer and dehydration, the carbon film formed in the polymer surface can isolate air and heat, so as to play a role of flame retardant.

nitrogen of the flame retardant mechanism of flame retardant
nitrogen flame retardant is primarily a nitrogen compounds, in recent years, experts are looking for a non-toxic fire retardant replace toxic phosphorus-containing flame retardants, have been commercialized with melamine and salts.

this kind of flame retardant agent under the condition of the heat absorption of heat, decomposition generated non-flammable gas, with diluted fuel to reduce the fuel surface temperature and oxygen insulation effect, reduce the rate of combustion.

there are three kinds of inorganic particles in the matrix of decentralized state:
1. Inorganic particle random dispersion or gathered in groups or individually;
2。 Chain as rigid inorganic particles dispersed in the matrix;
3。 Uniform surface of inorganic particles dispersed in the matrix separately.
to achieve the ideal toughening effect, as far as possible make the particles dispersed evenly.

more wonderful sharing: elastomer toughening mechanism, click directly.
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